Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What does "Star Trek" & "Indiana Jones" have in common?

In 1940 on this date, the Captain of the "Enterprise" of Star Trek: the Next Generation; and a few years later (1942) the star, Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones) were both born TODAY! Both the Enterprise and the history professor of antiquities have books about them in character and biographies (books about people's lives). Try to find both a fiction book (about Star Trek or Indiana Jones) and a biography book about either Patrick Stewart (the Captain of the Enterprise) or Harrison Ford (Indiana Jones) to read.

Remember: practice makes perfect -- that goes for sports AND for reading!

........and a book ABOUT Mr. Gamble's life = BIOGRAPHY
..............a book ABOUT Mr. Gamble's pretend adventures = FICTION.

Talk to you soon,
Mr. G

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